Has Any One Taking Lacosimide Had Issues With Sweating And Insomnia?
I read sweats are possible side effect of Lacosamide so I am really unsure I am 50. I currently wrap in my cooling blanket, have 2 fans and air turned down yet still hot and sweat. It is unbearable. Add insomnia and I just don’t think I can take much more. I seen my PCP whom added a sleep aid which makes me nervous to keep adding more medication. Hoping it all passes soon.
I have taken Lacosamide for 9 years and got diagnosed with premenopause at the age of 43. I am now 47, but sweat mostly under my arms or underneath my bosoms. I don't have insomnia with any prescription medications that I am taking.
I had unbearable stomach ache. But was ok after 2 weeks.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, there are some meds that can give you insomnia. As far as sweating, it could be a medication or vitamin supplement that could be conflicting with Lacosamide. Also, sweating could be from something else you may be taking or not drinking enough fluids during the day.
You raise a good question Cheri. I have had that problem ever since I had my traumatic brain injury, but as to why, I still can't say. I have had undiagnosed epilepsy until my traumatic brain injury in 2003, and have always been an insomniac. The TBI made the seizures worse, and that was when I seemed to have gone down the rabbit hole: In the beginning (2003), I was told I was pre-menopausal, but I was 38, so that didn't make sense to me. I feel this is more than hot flashes... I sweat buckets and all the time. Over the years, I was also told my anti-seizure medications and my thyroid were the cause. However, thyroid medication and hormone supplements have not helped with the sweating. All of the different anti-seizure meds I have been on caused either severe sleepiness with brain fog, or insomnia. I currently am on Gabapentin and Amatriptilyn, with no drowsiness even though I was cautioned it would be a side effect... I just can't get my brain to stop buzzing and quiet down now. I opted for insomnia with the occasional nap (ok, 3-4 naps some days) over the coma-like sleep. I am a single parent, and I work 4-6 hour shifts to make it easier on myself. It's not perfect; I may only be working part-time and napping a lot, but at least I can function better this way.
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