Do Getting Headaches Part Of Having Epilepsy?
My boyfriend asked me to attend a concert with him. I am new to having this disease so I am learning about it. I have seizures that come on at anytime with or without triggers and have never been to one am not sure if it would trigger them due to lights. We both want me to attend but he understands why I'm hesitant he cares about my health. I don't want this disease to control my life but I don't want to do anything that will put me more at risk for an episode. Also is getting headaches part… read more
Hello Bobbie sirois. I'm Brandon Hurst. I'm 33 year's old. Iv had epilepsy since I was five years old. And yes depending on how big the seizure is it can cause headaches. Plus lights now but not all lights. It's like seizures can be triggered by strobe lights as well like you were talking about going to a concert. Now regular stage lights no but like strobe or flashing lights Yes. They can cause a seizure to happen.
I will get a migraine headache after a grand mal or complex absent seizure. other than that I'm not bothered by headaches
Welcome Bobbi, I am pretty much new to this as well. Typically I have a very localized headache the next day. As Rusti said it varies from person to person. This as well as symptoms, reactions, causes and triggers. I have read 90% of epileptics have triggers. I haven't found mine, but I'm looking hard. Good luck with your new journey and enjoy life as best you can!
Pa Fantastic results from now be seizure free. Great Drs knew cause headaches too. Modern computer helped brain surgery is amazing. Any who are reluctant bout will see your great results here. Congrats; keep sharing to encourage others.
@BobbiSirois2- headaches amongst people with epilepsy varies b/c of a few reasons. Mine only started after brain surgery (left hippopotamus that "leaked"; my surgeon said this happens to about 15-20% of people receiving surgery in this location). My headaches continue but more importantly I've had no seizures since Oct 2016! Very happy about this. I don't care about my headaches. All I care about is seizure control.
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