How Did I Get Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?
This is a question for your Neurologist. There are a few ways it can be from a head trauma, Virus or it may be an unknown issue.
Cause just unknown but we know seizures are from a physical prob of brain function- not from the mind. If you look thru history Socrates, Einstein, Poe,Michelangelo,Van Gough, Nobel etc also had seizures: no idea why. Not nuff known bout brain to explain till 1920s as epilepsy. Like diabetes found as prob of pancreas- also cause not know. We can at least treat symtoms of. Reactions varied once Alice in Wonderland inspired by Carroll's own seizures. Felt were a window to a world gone mad!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I have had Temporal Lobe Seizures for over 30 years. First doctors believed they were from a traumatic head injury before I was 2 years old. Now doctors believe my seizures are more from birth asphyxiation. I wasn’t breathing which killed my brain cells and caused brain damage (seizures)
Have you had any head trauma?
Please Explain About Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Can You Have 2 Different Kinds Of Epilepsy?