When I Have Seizures, I Don’t Know What Is Happen And Black Out Is That A Normal Thing That Happens?
A seizure interrupts things so may be unaware till it passes. Then all is okay assure self you're fine after so any future ones don't worry you too.
Yes, unless its a Focal aware seizure its normal. Randy is right. It does sound like a Focal impaired awareness seizure.
Sounds like you have Focal Onset Impairment Awareness Seizures ( AKA Complex Partial Seizures )
Majority of the time , I have no clue , when I seizure. Every once in awhile I’ll come out of the seizure and notice my heart pulse is fast, as if I ran a race. Then there are other times I might notice my hands tremor , as if I had a nicotine fit .
Then there are the other clues when I have spilled my drink or food , when eating.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I have had seizures for over 30 years and I have never known before or after I had a seizure.
Yes, that is normal. That is why we have to try to be in safe places or be with people that will help keep us safe.
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