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How Does Everyone Manage Dizziness While At Work?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brisbane, AU

When I was in my last job a few years ago I would get dizziness a lot. I haven't really had dizziness for a while, but I haven't been working. I have had very mild dizziness from moving around a lot but nothing like I was getting.

To everyone who does work how do you find the dizziness? If you get it? And how do you manage it

August 10, 2024
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Dizziness and drinking fluid and eating! I am now on 3 meds. The Dr. said it will pass. I have a rollator if it’s bad. I feel like a drunk but grateful it passes or I just lay down till it passes! I respect everyone that deals with it!

November 15, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Dealing with dizziness while at college, I grab a seat and do some breathing exercises. Simply inhale through your nose(oxygen gets to the brain faster via this) for 4-6 seconds and then exhale through the mouth for 3-4 seconds. Also try to always hydrate yourself.

October 27, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

ok, i work at a daycare... i get dizzy sometimes. mostly the running after the kid(s) or turning really quickly (mostly the combo of the 2). i just stop/sit and deep breath and it goes away.

August 11, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Lots ofbwater and slowing down as standing up or running to pace. Whats the emergency and why cause one by over stimulation.

September 18, 2024
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I'm currently unable to work because of that. Even activity at home like chores or taking my dogs outside for a snails paced walk, makes my HR go crazy. I haven't been able to work a steady job since I closed my business Feb 2023.

The dizziness at work became unbearable for me. My cardiac issues upon any activity made me vomit. I tried resting, drinking something, or eating something even though I had no appetite, but it would just make me sicker. I lost over 20-30lbs in a very short time in the months before quitting.(unfortunately ive found them again haha).

And that's when my seizures got worse. I had to give my notice and quit. It's a good thing I did, because a week after my last day on valentines day 2023, I was hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks.

I was ending up in the ER frequently dehydrated and so so sick. I was constantly dehydrated no matter how much fluids I took in. I was no longer able to be as productive as I once was because I was so fatigued and lethargic.

BP almost in or near a constant state of hypertensive crisis(medical emergency). I would usually ignore it because I'm stubborn lol. I'd tell myself, "eh it'll be fine" and continue on for days or weeks like that.

HR would go really tachycardic(high hr) then immediately drop to bradycardia(low hr) like a yo-yo day and night, even during sleep(proved on sleep study and holter monitor). I didn't even know it until I started monitoring vitals at home and going to my family doc and Cardiologist.

I thought the frequent vomiting was because of my G.I diagnoses or diabetes. Nope, it was my heart. And the daily sickness and dehydration triggered multiple seizures/day!

Best advice I can give anyone experiencing this is the obvious disclaimer:go to/call the doctor, or possibly ER depending on sympotoms and consciousness).

Also, to make sure you're monitoring your HR/BP regularly and rest the second you feel dizzy. Whether it's epilepsy or heart, or both. Epilepsy regularly affects heartrate.

Rest when you feel dizzy so you don't fall! If you have to work, maybe a sedentary or remote job would be good.

That's what I've been trying to find for a year and a half, but so far no one will hire me because I guess I'm too much of a liability. Or they assume I'll call out all the time. Their loss!

Stay encouraged!!

August 13, 2024

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