Brief Opinion And? About Our Sleep Patterns Below.
They say with epilepsy and people who have that happen to for some part of the condition with and experience a sleep disorder of some kind, I think 51% and I'm thinking about changing up maybe my sleep schedule and pattern, I am say a used to getting up early in the morn but recently with whatever I'm going through, I haven't figured out, I think it a few things that are effecting my sleep, my age, maybe the meds I am taking, and maybe it a slight case of insomnia and is beginning, anyway what… read more
I live in the EST and my father lived in the Central Time Zone. I was always asleep before 11:00 pm. prior to him getting Alzheimers. We never had a relationship prior to his condition, so I started being with him on the phone until 1:00 a.m. EST ( his 12:00 a.m. CST ). That was 15 years ago since his death and I've not yet broken the habit of staying awake until around 1:00 a.m. So, my actual productive days start around 10:00 a.m. and virtually half the working day is gone. This is so frustrating, but I thank God each morning that I'm still allowed to wake up at all. Gratitude is the word.
I find if I nap during the day, I sleep poorly at night and/or stay up later than usual. Often groggy the next 2 days. I only take my medicine at bedtime. Generally, I take it an hour before I plan to go to bed and relax a bit before bed.
I have a very similar sleeping pattern. Napping doesn’t help, but sometimes it’s essential. IMO
I completely understand as I often wake up around 2 or 3 AM and can’t go back to sleep so I get up and do a few things then go back to bed when I feel tired. I feel more rested at times by doing this but it is very disruptive.
When I working full time I was tired so I had no problem sleeping. With retirement and the heat being stuck inside . I'm up and down all night trying to sleep or hitting the head. I am up with my usual 4-5 hours sleep. Nap later in day Oh well. take all ericthom3
Do You Notice A Dif In Your Sleep Schedule Nowadays Than Before In Your Earlier Days? Wondering?
When Not Sleeping Yet For The Amnesia A Individual Has, And Your Sleep Is Over The 24 Hr Time And Are Awake, What Do You Do When You, More
Anyone Else Have Really Bad Insomnia