Question About Triggers
This may have been asked before but I couldn’t find it.
If something is a trigger, does that mean that every time you’re exposed to it you will have a seizure or does it greatly enhance your chances at the time of the exposure.
It means you are far more likely to have a seizure when the trigger occurs.
The hardest thing in the world to avoid is stress and it is the top trigger for many life threatening conditions. It is my main seizure trigger. My next is overheating and sleep and then food, as in, how much and what of. I am not affected by the strobe lights but I have to be careful regardless. The majority of my tonic clonic seizures happen when I sleep. I recently had a partner who told me I stop breathing in my sleep. I've also recently found out my meds were wrongly dosed and therefore I'd been having seizures for years that I shouldn't have been having and the other medication is making me, how can I put this without triggering.. they meant for both epilepsy and bipolar and I have high functioning clinical major depression so these meds have an extremely negative effect on me and my SSRI hasn't been able to be fully dosed because I get seizures from them. You can get seizures from antihistamines 🫤 all antiseizure meds if dosed to high will give seizures as well.
If you know stress is your main trigger, it is extremely hard to avoid. Prevention is better than cure.. not always possible, I know that one. I have a blood clotting condition which is what triggers ischemic strokes and they trigger the seizures. They weren't diagnosed at the same time. An acquired brain injury brought on the seizures. So twice in my life the head docs looked at me and said "avoid stress".
To avoid stress, that will be up to what you can deal with, not one other person. Not some one who had epilepsy and was the president of a country or some famous actor or whatever. You have your limits and your epilepsy is showing you what they are. A good diet, good sleeping pattern and at least a little form of exercise can even help IF you're brain is up for it but definitely some fresh air and some UV and Vit D (which is still there when overcast) and try to let your body show you what it likes.
I've had my epilepsy for almost ten years now. I had my 2nd EEG the other day. I don't know the results yet but I can't think about it yet or I'll stress myself stupid lol anyway, do the best you can to listen to your body, it will know what relaxes it and what it wants to avoid 💕
Trying to figure out triggers is just a guessing game. Seems to cause more stress.Worry not bout seizures, rely on meds to control if occurs. Relax mind bout know any will pass then we're fine .As Randy said could be just high excitement from fun, never restrict self from that either.
A trigger once you have identified it as a trigger will always be there in the background..This is why it’s so important to “ Know Your Triggers” For me my main trigger was my Mom right up until she passed away then I had 2 major grand mals and none since she passed on Jan 28 2017. It has been a huge relief for me now I just manage my stresses and make sure I eat enough so my blood sugar levels are even and I stay fairly calm.
to me, a trigger is having a seizure. for excample, food is my trigger... or ... certian kinds of foods makes me have seizures.
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