I Am Wondering If You Are On XCOPRI And How You Feel About That Medication? My 21 Year Old Son Has Been On Lamotrgine For Over A Year.
Leslie, the only med I can take that gives me some relief with few side effects is Dilantin. I'm one of those people that meds do more harm than good.
Unfortunately none of the search results provided information specifically about Xcopri or personal experiences taking it. Lamotrigine (Lamictal) was mentioned as a common medication used to treat seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Since your son has been taking Lamotrigine for over a year, it would be best Show Full Answer
No tests like a basic EEG at first? Dosen't make sense for any neuro Dr to skip. Ask Dr why not
At first meds used to conrol seizures but then an EEG + MRI usually.
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. I am really struggling with his Neurologist. He just doesn't seem to care. He has never ran any tests on him. He just put him on medication and told him that was it.
If son having too many on L Dr can switch to Xcopri for better control. Please dont go by opinions of others who don't know his own case or type of epilepsy. Look thru history at geniuses with seizures but no idea why. Big diff we do with meds to help not hurt like seizures do. Ask him how he feels on new meds put seizure control first not sides from meds. Dr + he can talk bout any sides best. Look forward to better results from new meds as Dr knows best.
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