Hola, Si Tengo Epilepsia Puedo Ser Donante En Vida De Riñon?
They normally have to run a lot of tests before you can do it anyway regardless of if you are having seizures or not. If you are doing it to donate to someone they also need to check if the recipient will be compatible.
Hello, If I Have Epilepsy Can I Be a Living Kidney Donor?
I don't speak or read Spanish. I'm sorry.
If you're having seizures, you won't be considered a safe donor.
It's dif per person, but you can get people's opinions here and gather your own thoughts about what you got here, but I would suggest asking your doc if you have one, and also going online about the question here you asked about and see what you come up with, there are a few things that it will let you know what to do with the? You are asking, my opinion and hang in there and try and stay pos.
Porque Si Tomo Medicamentos Todavía Me Dan Los Ataques
Cuántos De Ustedes Conocen A La Enfermedad De Lafora Epilepsia Mioclónica Progresiva?