I Stayed In The EMU For A Week. The Result Is Stopping Zonisamide And Starting Briviact. What Are Your Thoughts On Briviact?
How was your experience after the EMU?
effective, similar to keppra really, not as hard side effect wise, but much the same.
Briviact has a reputation for being pretty "rough," meaning you are more likely to be depressed, angry, maybe even suicidal while you are taking the stuff. (Keppra is supposed to have the same effect but never had it on me!) If your neurologist is sure Briviact is the one you need, make sure you start on the stuff slowly and withdraw from zonisamide slowly. They both help with epilepsy but have very different effects on the brain...
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, you may want to ask your doctor about removing yourself from Depakote. The reason why is because the drug will create liver damage in six months. I took it for a year, and it started liver problems.
Topamax S/e
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