Coffee Trigger Seizures?
My mother always thought it did. I asked my Neurologist and surgeon. Both said it DIDN'T(at least not for me), Even after my doctor's told my mom it didn't, she swore until she died it did! I am 53 and I have been drinking coffee since I was 5.
Coffee is not considered a direct trigger (if that makes sense) but having said that it can help bring a seizure on. It's not something that you need to stop having altogether. In moderation is fine. Some meds can have strange interactions with it eg Keppra where alot of people just avoide it.
Caffeine could be a trigger, depends on the person. Caffeine isn't one of my triggers, I drink coffee all day long.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Nope. No direct link. caffeine in high amounts can but even that they don't class as a trigger not medically anyway. But regardless they don't recommend anyone have high amounts of caffeine on a regular basis.
As far as I know they have looked in to wether there is any link to caffine and seizures for a very long time even today and so far nothing. Atleast not directly.
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, but I think it's dif per person, I drink coffee and I have a few cups of coffee 2 or 3 usually, I do have a few times it has a effect on me, but not sure if it is the coffee I am taking or a seizure that was coming about, but I don't stress about it, it doesn't happen often but does, my opinion here.
What Triggers
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