I Forgot To Take My Vimpat Last Night .
Any advice? This is the second time in 2 years. Last time I ended up in the ER. I’m kind of freaking out.
The reason why Anne16 went to the ER had a seizure because of missing the Meds.
I was told if it is close to the time when you take the next dose, do not do so. I have been taking by pills at 9 and 9 a long time. They are all 12 hours long,
I was told you would be able to take them within a half hour of when it should be taken. It is different when having a Fasting Test. They are then trying to learn how much is left in your system from the night before. If I take it at 11, then I take it at 10:30 PM. My Pharmacy now provides Bubble Packs, with the date, dosage and correct meds for AM and PM. There is not charge for this service. It does help.
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