A? As For The Condition (s) We Have And Letting Society Know About, If You Were Asked To Be On A Show On Tv To Let People See What We ,more
Deal with it our lives with, being volunteering or paid for doing it, whatever, would you participate in that event, wondering, I think that I would give it some serious thought if they were to me, paid for or volunteer I think, i mentioned about the tv add about the condition of epilepsy and what a person should do If they see someone having a seizure, but to actually show someone what really happens I think I would do that, free and on my own account just people can see what it's like and get… read more
I would love to go on TV and discuss my epilepsy and how it has affected my life. I am not sure I would be the best for the job, but yes I would give it a go.
I was on the local news when doing “Neurology Awareness Fair “ in 2016 and 2017. We discussed how I had Epilepsy
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member This video is one of the Canadian heritage moment commercials. It's played all over Canada to bring light to a famous neurologist. I know you don't like pessimistic comments but you have to show some sort of empathy. There are positive comments on this site also.
I had been on tv creating awareness about the myths,first aid and about me having Epilepsy.
As For Letting Society Know About The Condition Of Epilepsy I Have Recently Say 3 Days Ago Seen It On Tv And What Someone Should Do If They
A Neutral? As For Our Conditions We Have, And How People See Us And Think, What About The Other People And Their Conditions And Such ,more
A Neutral? Do You Think With Our Conditions We Have, Do We Get The Respect We Should Even If We Didn't Have The Condition We Have ? Maybe?