Does Anyone Ever Just Randomly Get Blurred Kinda Vision And Just Weird Confusion Feeling?
it’s probably from my meds or maybe the seizures i’m having but i’m not sure🤦🏼♀️
Yes normally it means an incoming seizure for me
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member,
We have so much in common. I also take Oxcarbazepine, I take it with the Keppra at 9 am and 9 pm. I always eat or drink some, not a meal, before I take these two meds.
I get double-vision if I take my meds too early in between my doses. I take Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal)
Yes I do .
You may want to start at checking the side effects of your meds first . I always search on .
I myself have blackouts and blur visions and found out they were seizures during an inpatient EEG . I also knew they could have happened from side effects from meds.
Yes, you can. Depending on medications you are taking and are the side effects from these medications are making you feel this way. Try this link;
Burnt Smell ONLY Symptom Of Focal Seizure
Vimat User Blurred Vision
Can Anyone Tell When They Had Granomol And How Other Than Damage I Can't.