Anyone Have Experience With Zonasimide?
Medications are better than the original medications! I took medications when I was younger in the 60’s I was royally sick or having more seizures or couldn’t walk very well! The newer medications are a lot better! I wish you the the best! Everyone is different in their reactions , sleep was my pacifier, a lot of the time along with reading! Take care and good luck!
My husband was one of the pharmacologist that worked on the medication before it was used on humans! The monkeys did great! I used it for a whole year and my seizures were under control! 10 years later they added on again ! I am under control! I wish you the best! My husband now works at FDA with pulmonary drugs and gives them there official name! I wish you the best!
EricThom, Here are two of the studies I read, but the one that is more tied to the fact that the Zonisamide is taking deep sleep I have not found yet. I will continue to look. I had it for a paper more than six years ago.
Marson, A., Burnside, G., Appleton, R., et al., (2021). The sanad II study of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of levetiracetam, zonisamide, lamotrigine for newly diagnosed focal epilepsy: An open-label, non-inferiority, multicentre, phase 4, randomized controlled trial. The Lancet. (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). https://doi10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00247-6
Sahin, S. H., Kucuk, O., Tutunculer, B., (2024). The relationship between anti-seizure medications and metabolic acidosis in craniotomy operations: is topiramate or zonisamide the cause of metabolic acidosis? BMC Anesthesiology. 24:296.
Saw an epileptologist this week and he wants to change my lacosimide to Zonisamide because of my worsening balance problems and several falls. I haven’t had a seizure since June when lacosimide increased to 400 mg/day so hesitant to change. Can’t decide …
Wow! Thanks Toni.
Has Anyone Experienced A Really Dry Tongue Or Mouth After Taking Zonisamide?
Has Anyone Been On The Meds Listed Below? Has Anyone Had Many Side Effects?