My Son Had A Few Seizures Maybe 4 Only Around 5 Years Ago And Now He Is 15 And Has A Seizure Each Month Always In The Morning
Also the last few seizures happen in the car as soon as we step out of the house ready to go to school. Neurologist is not sure if this is a non epilitec seizure and needs videos.
Did the Dr know about the injuries you suffered before you was 2?. We ah e had MRI twice and EEG which seems all fine
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Yes, my neurologist knew about both tragedies. I was life flighted in a helicopter to that same hospital after both tragedies so they were in my records. My mom has told me that the doctors warned her that I could start having seizures after my head injury.
Thank you Jeffery, unfortunately as I learn more about Neuorology it’s such deep topic that even Drs with best endeavours cannot pinpoint the cause and hope medication works
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
The cause of his seizures could be something that happened years ago. I suffered birth asphyxiation and a traumatic head injury before I was 2. I had no seizures until I was 10 years old. Now I’ve had uncontrollable seizures for over 30 years.
What the doc recommends sounds like a good idea. I came down with epilepsy when I was 15 yrs. old and had to be taught from home most of my freshman year of high school. Not only because I had brain surgery but also because this sudden irregular change in my life embarrassed me, and I was severely depressed.I was able to get enough of it under control and accept going to school and possibly having a seizure. I remained both for years but did learn to "accept having to take the chance having one in public" to have a life. What helped me accept them both and got both under complete control was seeing a psychiatrist for approximately 5 yrs. Also for your kid in high school since he has a disorder that affects his memory you may be able to get a slight change in his teaching. As for me I did go to class same as everyone else but when it got to testing I got untimed testing. I didn't have the full test done by end of the class, if I needed extra time I was given it. Also for safety in school if he has to walk up and down steps, which may be dangerous, if the school has a faculty elevator your kid may be able to get a key for it so he does not have to take the risk walking. Also, as I did, I had 2 other students that rode the elevator with me In case I had a seizure while on the elevator 1 would stay with me during the seizure while other went for help. At that time I was having about 3-4 seizures a month. Read my story that may be helpful and surprising coming down with epilepsy can be beneficial in different parts of life. I wish you and the kid best, take care!
My Son Had A Few Seizures Maybe 4 Only Around 5 Years Ago And Now He Is 15 And Has A Seizure Each Month Always In The Morning
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.
How Long Does It Normally Take To Regain Consciousness After A Seizure Has Ended?