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Do I Have To Comfortable Just Seating Home Like A Child Because Of My Epilepsy?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

I feel useless just seating home even if I'm told not to worry and that I'm still young. This is the time I have to learn how to make my own cash while am a youth. I can't ask my dad cash to take a girl out, or ask cash for snacks always.

December 10
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Don't stop studying what you love! You don't need to set foot on a campus to get education and degrees these days.

December 10
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I've got a job where I work from home - building websites, blogging, etc. And there are plenty of jobs where you can work from home these days. I like it because it's flexible and I can work my own hours. The only thing I don't like is that you don't really get to socialise.

December 10
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member i’ve had to stop several things/jobs i loved due to the frequency of my seizures. It definitely isn’t a good feeling /:

December 10
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, but I am home now and quit working about 3 years ago and I don't think that way, it does come about to me on occasion, once in a while let's say, i am little bit with a slight bit of anxiety and depression that I have, it used to be more so than that before, a medium in those areas of my life with, but I decided not to that level when it comes about, not no more, it comes yeh, but I don't let that drag me down to that level it's trying to get me into, I won't do it, and learned how not to do that, but pursue your interests and such etc and hang in there and try and stay pos in your goals and your condition and health, my opinion to you, don't quit.

December 10
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

It's understandable to feel frustrated about having limitations due to epilepsy. However, you still have a lot of potential and options. Many people with epilepsy work and live full, independent lives. Talk to your doctor about what types of jobs may be suitable for you. Consider disclosing your condition to employers so Show Full Answer

It's understandable to feel frustrated about having limitations due to epilepsy. However, you still have a lot of potential and options. Many people with epilepsy work and live full, independent lives. Talk to your doctor about what types of jobs may be suitable for you. Consider disclosing your condition to employers so you can request accommodations if needed. Look into resources and programs for people with disabilities that can help with job training and placement. In the meantime, take pride in the things you can do, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your family and friends likely want to support you.

December 10
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