You Had To Pay Out Of Pocket For Your Meds For A Mishap With Your Med Company You Got Them From, And Did You Find Another Way To Get Them?
I had to a few times, and I did bring this up before, but I don't know what happened when I had it happen to me, but yes I did have to pay out of pocket for my meds, it wasn't cheap by my standards, 400 dollars est and was at my last doc appointment and she said I could get my meds filled there and I now know what to do if my med provider has a delay or something like that happen where I can get my meds and is a back up for me if it does, I may look into changing and see if I can get them from… read more
I go with the Generic version since it’s cheaper
I have not had to pay out of pocket, even for my lamotragine XR. Phenobarbital used to be so cheap that I could buy a six month supply for under $20.
If I have to pay out of pocket I just fill out a Blue Cross form and I get reimbursed for everything; but usually the pharmacy will cover it and then they do the form and take the reimbursement which is very nice of them. But I’m still waiting for my clobazam to get here due to the postal strike. All medical supplies are shipped here from Calgary so with the strike everything has to be shipped by cargo and then someone has to drive out to the airport and pick them up. It’s tricky as some meds have to be kept cold ( np it’s-12) but others can’t get cold so they have to ship things separately so if they can’t get cold they’re in one box and the others are in another box to be kept cold
In Aus if I pay it is $20 for the whole three. But full price would be over $100
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Its pretty good but in the last few years the system has started fall behind a little. To give you an example the system was designed to fully cover routine dr visits and part cover a number of other things, similar to the health insurance works. but costs have gone up alot and the system hasn't kept up so now the full cost even with medicare is around 80-90 dollars and im paying $40 with a health care card. Some drs do bulk bill but they loose money doing this.
The public hospital system is completely free but you still need to worry about wait times. You also don't pay to see a Neurologist. unless you see one privately.
One thing you can do is treatment on what is basically a hybrid basis so you are seeing the Nuroligest in the public system but every thing else is technically private but the costs are still covered in the public system. They changed the system a little a few years ago to allow for this.
We Have Our Way To Get Our Meds , You Ever Had To Pay Out Of Pocket For Them, For Whatever The Cause Was,?
Do You Keep Count Of Your Meds You Have Or No ? I Try To I Think It Kinda Does Help Even Though They Have The Amount On The Order Form.