You Been In A Conversation And It Was Going Ok And Then You Got To A Point Of A Loss Of Words? Wondering
It's happened recently, and before a few times, I am not perfect and I am not a know it all, but I do like to help out when and where I can, but anyway I have had a conversation with a person I know and was going ok, then it got to a point of I did give a word of support and encouragement, the person thanked me , I wanted to add more to it than that, but I was at a loss of words and couldn't think of anything else, the person understood, but I wanted to help out more and couldn't, the person… read more
That's why I carry my seizure alert badge. When I loose my voice I flash my seizure alert tag works for me
I always wondered. But whenever aunt Barb was around, she always let her do her job, because she had the knowledge. Besides I think my mom would've been in a lot of trouble with her sister. H
I have a friend that tells me not too look at strobes but I found out they only seem to bother me more at night
I know. I've only done it twice. I've asked family but it's always a no. That's why I think i should get a service dog. But they are so expensive. Having conversation with Dr. About things to do about it.
I do not go out to walk without someone else. When I was doing so if I have a seizure I show people my MedicAlert Bracelet.
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
Pregnancy And Epilepsy Medicines?
What Type Of Seizures Does The Vns Implant Helpful For?