As For Eating Usually One Meal A Day, If You Had A Sandwich Or Sub And Ate Half Of It And Half Later,is It Eating Once But Divided?
I am on my fasting diet I have put together and sometimes I will eat at one sitting, but sometimes I eat half of and the other half later or save for the next day, I am curious about this ❓ I have asked about what your thoughts are and how you look at it? I'm I eating it once but divided or is it eating twice a day and one meal split in two? I think it's once divided up but wondering how you look at this ❓
One meal means one meal no matter how you slice it . Question is ae you getting enough calories for life on this regieime ? Talk to your Dr. and check your BMI . Take care Dave . ericthom3
Really you want to eat once & stretch the fast as long as possible overnight till lunch should be 12-18 hrs ish I’ve experimented with keto and fasting but im malnourished lol hard to do!, in the uk the doctors say you really need a dietitian or pretty good dietary advice & plan
I don't eat all at once. I have small meals throughout the day to keep my body in good health. I stay hydrated during the day since I have small meals.
I usually eat once a day .
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I usually just eat 1 meal per a day. I’ll eat it all at one time and then I won’t be hungry again for the rest of the day
Anyone Have Any Insight Here On Catamenial Epilepsy?
A ? About Food And Pricing Of The Food We Eat And Like Eating, I Agree That Home Made Is Better Than Going Out To Eat, But. , More Below
Are You Ok With Going Out To Eat Every Now And Then For A Treat Let's Say, A Neutral One And Do You Go By Yourself Or Take Someone With?