Has Anyone Tried Sense.ai Headset? If So Thoughts? Thanks
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I used to have a VNS and like you said I never can tell when I’m about to have a seizure so after my seizure started my parents took the magnet and touched my chest.
Sensing an impending seizure would be great. I’ve wondered how to use my VNS magnet to swipe and increase the device impulse in time, that is before I’m too far into the seizure. So if I could tell when a seizure is coming on, then I could better use the VNS technology.
The Sense.ai headset is a wearable device that can detect seizures through motion sensors and send alerts. One member reported that the Embrace2 smartwatch from Empatica has been useful for detecting their tonic-clonic seizures. While there's no evidence these devices prevent SUDEP, they may help monitor signs of seizures Show Full Answer
What is the headset? What would it do? Leslie Weinberg
Though the VNS may seem like it is not working, it may in fact be doing some very impressive things with respect to seizure management. For instance, when the parameters were modified such that they were too low, I started having many seizures. Also, I suspect that the device is stimulating the vagal nerve and releasing neuro-chemicals which do make me feel better and calmer. But, the side-effects are tough at times and I do hope they smooth out. Because I exercise considerably and breath deeply, maybe that will help with the breathing and feeling of shortness of breath, which is annoying when trying to talk. One of the complaints I have heard, but I do not think applies to me (Debra, my wife, has not complained about it) is sleep apnea.
Has Anyone Tried Any Of The Vagus Nerve Stimulators? If So, Your Thoughts. Thanks.
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