Is Anybody Else Going To Have To Live Under Supervision Their Whole Life For Their Epilepsy?
I’ve had epilepsy ever since I was in elementary school. I’m now in my 40’s and I’ve lived with my parents my whole life. When they’re gone I can’t live on my own with no money and no transportation so I’ll have to be in a special home.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I have several cousins but I haven’t seen any of them for several years. They all have their own families and houses miles away. The only 2 friends I have are pretty close to me. I help them get work done whenever they ask me. Lately I’ve been helping them rebuild their house. I know their whole family so maybe they’ll give me a hand in the future.
I have a Conservator, who is in charge of my Budget and myself. She pays bills and deals with issues. I have a Caretaker who comes in 3 days a week for 3 hours. She helps clean and organize, some light housework. She prepares breakfast and cooks meals for Dinner. They serve a pretty awful lunch here.
I don't think I'll have to live under supervision for the rest of my life. My seizures are under control, so I'm able to live a normal life. I can do things for myself as long as the medicine keeps working.
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, I would suggest don't be anxious about that till that time comes, I understand what you are saying, it's ok to briefly think about it, but don't dwell on the matter till it comes about, being concerned is one thing, worrying is another, it's not worth it to worry about, and there is always hope and things may change and that's a good thing, but hang in there and get some suggestions from other people and leads resources over time and then go from there, but don't worry about that time until it comes, my opinion
About 5 years ago I was asked to go to live in a care home, I said no I want to keep my independence cause I had just stopped working in a charity shop, since then I have a carer come to check on me every day due to having epilepsy.
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