My Brother Is On So Many Medications. How Can I Find Out If Any Of The Medication He’s Taking Is Increasing His Seizure Activity
An epilepsy specialist has the information on how AED medication works. Another person that can share medication documentation is your local pharmacist. It is a good idea to always communicate with your specialist when about AED medication that will be best for your case situation. I have spoken with my local pharmacist to ask questions about different AEDs being considered but in the end I take the AED information discovered to my epilepsy specialist where we will make the final decision together to continue further care for my health. Hope that helps explain how we have been doing things.
Yes only his doctor can tell you that information. But he may also be resistant to medications there is a word for it but can't remember it right now. I was taking 3 different medications and none were helping me. Until my neurologist brought up the VNS device. I have had the VNS device since 2019 and now I'm off all my medications and have been seizure free for 4 years. All people might not have the same results as me but it couldn't hurt to ask and do some research it might help out your brother.
Consider visiting a medical doctor then asking the question about those medications. Another option is to contact your local pharmacist by walking in directly showing them the list then asking the question you have asked here. It may be easier to discuss the matter with a pharmacist personally than discussing it with them over the phone, that is just my opinion.
You should be able to find that out online if you go to a website that talks about those drugs and their side effects. And of course he can always ask his doctor.
I have heard of meds that shouldn't be taken if you have seizures. I take Dilantin and was told not to take certain herbs cause the herb decreases the potency of Dilantin. I would google search each med to find the side effects and warnings about the med. takes a little time but worth it.
My Brother Is On So Many Medications Due To His Health Issues, How Do I Find Out If Any Of The Medications Are Increasing His Seizures
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