Anyone Take Anxiety Meds Along With Seizure Meds? What Kind??
I was on Gabapentin for years; they told me it was for the headaches, but it was the anxiety and seizures that they were trying to control. This is one of many medicines that I have come off post-surgery. When I went in for the seizure surgery, I was on six medicines, and I am down to only one medicine and the amount I take only one pill in the morning and one at night. This is the pill they left me on long-term. I am now more then ten-years seizure-free. Never give up I am walking proof it can be controlled.
CBD Charlettes Web, made in Colorado, completely removed severe anxiety attacks (losing control of both legs from waist down and collapsing to floor). I began taking it by participating in CBD Epilepsy Research. The prescription drugs never controlled my anxiety. CBD immediately stopped them. I have not experienced any anxiety attacks since year 2014.
Good question! While I do not take anti-anxiety meds, I do go to counseling on a regular basis. I’m not afraid to be vulnerable and honest, so it helps.
I’ve been on many different medications for anxiety/depression along with my epilepsy meds for a while now. I am currently on Prozac
that sounds horrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I can't even imagine :(
I am glad you made it through and are still with us :)
Does Anyone Take Medication For Anxiety Along With Their Seizure Meds?
Complex Partial Seizures
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.