My Husband Became Mean And Without Feelings After Having Many Seizures
Writing his thoughts and feelings everyday will help
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , May I ask what medications he’s on? Each medication affects everyone differently but Keppra is one medication that many of us on here have had been on & eventually gotten off of being that we didn’t like the side effects. Keppra can cause mood swings, anger issues & make people not act like themselves, all known as the Keppra Rage. Keppra can also cause extreme drowsiness & even trouble sleeping. In 2019 I took Keppra for 2 to 3 months & it made me so extremely tired that I had to take a nap every day & eventually I started having trouble sleeping & so I got off it. I never experienced the Keppra Rage. On the other hand, there are others on the site who don’t have many if any problems with Keppra. So you might look at the side effects of his medications. You could also talk to his doctor & let them know what’s going on & see what they can suggest. After I have a seizure, I’m usually really tired & weak & must take a nap. Prayers his seizures calm down. Your friend in Texas, Becky
For me after I have a seizure my emotions are on overload. Maybe he doesn't know how to express that productively. I always feel a great sense of guilt and inadequacy after as well and that can easily turn into anger. I'm not making excuses and I'm not a doctor and I wish you luck!
Thank you everyone for responding 😁
A person who has had a seizure feels like they have taken a beating from their own body, he probably isn't even aware he does it. Its not personal though it's just frustration and pain.
Does Anyone Have Overwhelming Emotional Outbursts And Feelings To What Everyone Else Is Such A “simple Request? “
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.
Has Anyone Else Been Told During Absence Seizure You've Been Talking To Yourself?