Does Anyone Get A Strange Feeling That Is Almost Like Being Intoxicated?
Ever since the beginning of my seizures, I always feel somewhat intoxicated afterwards and then it eases off and then I get sleepy. I have noticed that I get the 'intoxicated' feeling even when I haven't had a seizure (or maybe I don't remember having it). Does anyone know what this might be. Am I having seizures that I don't recognize? Is the 'intoxicated' feeling an actual seizure? Is it something else? Doctors have not answered this question for me. I don't know what to make of it. I have… read more
I started having the same feelings and different other feelings right along with it and my Nuero said it was petimal seizures so she just put me on some medications and told me to keep from anything that will be stressing me out and get plenty of sleep @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
When my seizures were bad ((grand mal and quite violent) I would sleep for hours afterward. Since my brain surgery I only have partial complex seizures. I appear conscious but am not coherent. Then when I "come out of it" I often have what I call "the hangover" feeling. Our brains go through a lot when we have seizures and definitely needs time to recover.
I'm so grateful I came across this!!!!just this morning my son totally freaked me out..he has had epilepsy sence was 13,he's 19 now.but this morning I seriously swore he was on something!talking out of his head not making any sense at all.could hardly walk,slurring speech.that was 7AM..he slept until 2:00 and still seems somewhat"not there" just a tad...
Yes, I do
Yes I too have partial complex seizures and experience that very often! Listen to your body. Rest when needed and take care of yourself!
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