Auras But No Seizure?
Lately I've been feeling my auras like if I am going to get a seizure. Numbness in face, tingling feeling, dizziness, healthier breathing. So I lay down and try to relax and prepare myself as much as I possibly can for my attack, though how can you really prepare yourself ? Haha. But anyways.. I feel these auras and no seizure. Does this happen to anyone?? What does it mean ?
Auras are still seizures..Or did you know that?
Auras are seizures, they are Focal Aware seizures that can develop into other stronger types of seizures.
I had that a few times but usually breathe regularly and drink a glass of water. I may have been thinking too hard as Epis do and stopped breathing. Sometimes laying down helps or counting your blessings and focusing on what and who you love and the positive aspects of life
I used to get those too before I had surgery. On a bad day I would get 2 sometimes 3 in a 16 hour period. I sometimes went 2 - 3 days without feeling anything. Thankfully I had a wife who was sensitive to my condition and would guide me to a chair until it passed. I only had a seizure about every 5 years until I was 21. After that it came about every 2 to 3 years until I had surgery at 48. There isn't too much to do except sit or lie down and ride it out.
I Gary Smith will have a aura or a sick taste in my mouth when I have a aura so what I do when that happens I sit on the floor so nothing will happen to my self. p.s Any else do the same if so feel free to call me at.
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I would like to know please keep me in mind thank you. Also have a good one.
Seizure “auras”
How Do You Know You Had A Siezure?
Does Anyone Else Have Absence/petit Mal Seizures And Auras?