Losing Control
Is there anything truth that only a true seizure you lose control of your bowels and if you don't you are faking?
I have grand mals, and some times I lose control of my bladder, but most of the time I don't. I have never lost control of my bowels, but I have read that it can happen. If someone thinks you are faking because you do not lose control of your bodily functions, I would suggest sending them to a site where they can get educated about epilepsy. Everyone is different so not all of us have the same seizures, or symptoms.
Why bother worrying about what people who don't understand or don't want to understand think? I know it sounds blunt but I am done dealing with ignorance. I have never lost control or bowel or bladder. I am guessing it depends on the person. If someone thinks you are lying just smile and tell them "have a nice day!" Life is TOO SHORT to worry about what other people think!
I spoke to a professor rutta when I was 12 as I was having 40 a day or so they thought until they put an EEG on me for 3 days turned out I didn't stop I was fitting silently and talking etc I have whats called severe idiopathic generalised complex seizures. I have myoclonic jerks tonic, tonic clonic (gran mal ) and clonic which is a drop I even wander round and have crossed the road then dropped in it. He told me most dr's don't know what they are talking about and mo9st epileptics are misdiagnosed because of this
No!!! Don't know where you heard that from but it's not true. There are all types of seizures. We're not gonna lose control of our bowel movement everytime a seizure happens but it doesn't mean we're faking!
I remember in hospital after my first non-provoked grand mal realising I had lost control of my bladder - at work on the office chair. My boss who was the first aid person said to me 'don't worry you're more important and I hid the chair'. Made me laugh! Shite happens, let everyone else deal with it.
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