YouTube Channel
My friend and myself are making a YouTube channel about life. We want to have a big segment on seizures and epilepsy. We were wondering if anyone would volunteer videos of them having a seizure or auras so we can raise awareness and support
Please and thank you xoxo
Have a seizure free night
If Brittany has epilepsy and it sounds like she does, shame on any of you who shamed her idea or feel your thoughts are better than hers! You should absolutely be ashamed, of the negative behavior displayed on here! We are all always learning new things about our epilepsy. ...
An Aura is usualy what Health proffesionals describe as being pre-ictal warning sign of impending partial or full complex seizure. while i would agree it is part of the process of having a seizure. I do not beilive it should be described as a siezure in itself. My "Aura" is a smell i get shortly before I have My seizures I was not aware it was there in the begining but over time became more aware of it and it now serves as almost an early warning system for me and has on occasion saved my from some of the more serious injuries like shoulder dislocations etc i have suffered in the past.
I do have epilepsy and have only had it for a year and a half so im still learning. Thank you all for sticking up for me :)
Thank you for your efforts. Some recordings take alot of time. To show the many forms of seizures is a major project.
Omg this is a support site. We are all sharing, supporting and learning that you are not alone. Not sure why this is such a huge issue. I have a copy of my status ellipticus seizure in a seizure monitoring unit coming off keppra. I don't mind sharing because seizures differ in many ways. I don't have an aura. I have shown the video to family and friends so that they know what to look for and what to expect during and after. All I want to say is be supportive and if you don't like a post or a comment. Sharing is education and remember that.
Q&A - 364 - Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Seizures, Prostate Cancer
Epilepsy Awareness
Due To Taking Phenytoin For Over 55 Years I Have Had Many Fractured Bones ,phenytoin Effects Your Bones, Plus I Have Fatigue Alot,