My son has had his second recent GTCS I believe the trigger being stress, lack of sleep, teenage pressures, and GCSEs approaching. He is awaiting an EEG and MRI but in the meantime he has been offered Epilim treatment although he hasn't been diagnosed. Does anyone know if this medication will affect the EEG and MRI test results if he starts the medication. I am very reluctant to start him on it as its early days and I've read some horrible side effects. ? I asked the secretary of his consultant… read more
Hi Joanne76 i take Eplim otherwise known as Soduim Valprote i hope i spelt it right you can take them in different mg i take 500mg and ive had EEG and MRI with Eplim and it didnt affect me i hope that helps if im talken about something else sorry if i got the story mixed up as ive had a stressfull night im finding it hard to sleep
These medicine we take for epilepsy are extremely powerful and the side effects vary from person to person. Don't take this wrong but your son is basically an experiment for his specialist. Although it says a certain medicine should work it doesn't usually work like they think it should. If this medicine doesn't work they will try another one to see the results of it. All of us with this condition called epilepsy have gone through or are going through the same thing. They really don't know what or if certain medicine will work, but they will try to see if it does and the specialists are hoping it will, but they really don't know the outcome.
When it comes to his MRI the medicine shouldn't affect that at all, because they are looking at the structure of his brain, if it is developing normally or if there is anything abnormal. His brain will not be fully developed until he is in his late 20's. When it comes to the EEG and blood tests those can be affected by the medicine. If the medicine is controlling his seizures the abnormal brain activity might not show up on the EEG. Also there is a good chance will throw off a blood test. If I had a blood test right now it would show up as me being toxic, but I'm totally fine any specialist would know I was fine, but a GP would panic because they have no clue what they are talking about, I've seen that a lot. Hope that helps, I try to keep things simple to understand, specialists usually use the words they were taught in medical school and it confuses people. But I understand them. I know their book knowledge is better than mine, but I'm not too far behind them. When I comes to my personal knowledge and what I know it confuses everyone, so I have to break it down so a specialist get a grasp of I'm telling them, but I know they will never really understand what I'm teaching/telling them.
Hi Joanne76
im on Eplim 500mg and it seems to control my Epilepsy even when i got for a eeg and mri they dont affect myself either im also on Tegertol 200mg and Rivatol2mg and ive been on them since i was 7yrs old and im now 54yrs old i wouldnt be worried so much as Eplim is a mod stablizer as well i did nursing for 3yrs then age care i havent had a sezuire since i have been on them speak to your gp and see what he says
Hi Joanne76
I have been on Epilim since 2004, 1000mg daily. I have had numerous MRI and EEG tests over the years and taking this medication will not affect the results of either test
I had 2 seizures before the doctor finally prescribed me medication to stop them. I was having auras for years before but didn't know that these were a warning that a seizure was potentially going to happen
The only negative about this medication for me has been weight gain. I have put on 25kg since starting it
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Thank you for your reply. Yes I think teenage years puts lots of pressure on our children with exams and peer pressures etc. I'm just keeping on top of my son getting adequate sleep, showing him that although he wants to do well in his exams he needs to realise that he can only do so much and they are not a reflection of who he really is. And he is talking more about his days at school, he has an English mock this morning and spoke about which questions he find hard and easy I spoke quite laid back about them and tried to make him much more laid back about it too. He seemed quite happy going out to school this morning. Just showing love support and taking as much pressure of him. And for him to stop putting too much expectations on himself. Trying to do and keep up with his mates. Its a confidence thing in Luke so I'm going to be working on that with him to as well as looking up CBT to help him with worry and anxiety as he doesn't show too many signs of it but I know he worrys a lot and tries to please everyone!
I don't know too much about Epilim only what I have researched on the internet.
Best wishes
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