I Am On Lamitacal And Keppra I Has Lost My Appetite And Weight
I am on lamitacal and Keppra for years I don't have a good appetite I lost over a hundred pounds wounded as anyone has the same effect
I worry the same with my daughters. They are FTT (failure to thrive) due to psychosocial dwarfism from abandonment and neglect from their bio mom when they were younger. They see a endocrinologist and gastroenterologist and take medications to increase appetite called Periactin. I wonder if taking this medication helps with the weight loss.
Than you very much
Never been on kappra but been on different medicine my whole life and never had your problems.I would go see a doctor soon and get a check up ,doesn't sound right.
Memory Loss With Certain Medication?
Has Anyone Had Trouble Eating Or Gaining/losing Weight On Their Meds?
I Am On Lamictal My Dr Adding Another One. Any Success Stories With Lamictal Combo