What Aura's Do You Experience?
Hi all,
I don't write on here much, but I read a lot! I am writing an article for my next paper and I'm going to write about Aura's; I was wondering, what aura's do you experience? I usually base my columns on my own experience, but I know there are sooooo many different experiences for everyone, so I'd like to make it more of a variety. So, what do you feel before a seizure?
I once described my auras to my boys when they were 12 and 6 like this:
"You know how Spider-man has spidey senses and they tingle when something bad's about to happen, well, that how mommy feels when she has an aura".
They completely understood, lol.
Its like a tingly feeling all over like I am hyper-sensitive to sound, light, u name it oh and lets not forget the sick to my stomach feeling. Its sucks but I'm grateful that I hv a built in warning sysyemand that my kids now think that I'm a super hero ;*)
I have complex partial seizures and the auras that I experience is I start seeing things in like the inside of a kaladeoscope and then it happens until I blackout and I go through my seizure.
Hello I have noticed I get a deep sense of a very strong smell I believe to be sulfur like. Not that I have smelled sulfur but that's what comes to mind. Is this normal or what have you read and what do you understand about the aura?
I find auras extremely useful as I can tell someone I am going to have a seizure hours in advance. Although, when I try and explain my feelings of aura to a non sufferer they don't seem to have a clue and confuse it will a natural feeling of panic.
I will be speaking with somebody or watching tv and the story wont be understood as well as if my brain is not taking in anything. It is a feeling that is very hard to describe but as an epileptic can be recognised straight away! The seizure itself is kicked off by a feeling of je ma vous where I feel like i've been or done something before yet feels very unfamiliar and I then get a strong nauseated feeling in my tummy which gets worse and worse. I begin to get very disorientated and am unable to speak in any sense and get very panicky. Sometimes this can be the extent of my seizure as I have been able to explain my partner (afterwards) how to reassure me to bring me out of it. If I am reassured of the day, month, year and what I am doing that day, for some reason I am able to stop myself from panicking and therefore "travelling deeper" in to a seizure.
My auras start with a rising in my stomach like going down a rollercoaster. I'll start looking around and realize that nothing feels familiar to me. If you were to ask me where I was I could tell you "this is my house" but even though everything looks the same it feels like someone dropped me into a unfamiliar place that I've never been before (jamais vu is the technical term). Then I black out and I have a seizure. The aura it's self is only about 6 seconds
Seizure “auras”
What Do You Experience During An Aura?
Can Any Moms With Epilepsy Tell Me What It Was Like Being Pregnant? Did Your Meds Have To Change? Did You Have An Increase In Seizures?