Does Anyone Know Of An Employer That Would Hire Someone With Epilepsy I'm Really Trying To Get On My Feet
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I was depending on getting to work by bus. A company changed the hours to night, so I could not do that. However, the ADA was passed years ago. They are required to make accommodations, What are your skills? What kind of job are you looking for?
You are not obligated to tell any employer that you have epilepsy, and if they dont hire you because you told them then that is discrimination. I am not sure what your capabilities are, but like Leslie said maybe you can find a job with a bit of flexibility or a schedule that works best for you.
Technically, due to the ADA companies can't not hire you due to having certain disabilities. With epilepsy, unless it's well under control, you couldn't do things like driving or operating heavy machinery, but it's also good to take precautions yourself. Heat can cause seizures, so when I got better and wanted to worked, I stayed away from fast food because I had a sz in my teens working at a McDonald's. I began working at a furniture store. Then I did homecare, which many people do because most people are only eligible for a certain amount of hours a week, which gives SSI & SSDI recipients the advantage of only working a smaller amount of hours so they can still keep their healthcare. After having tests done, I was approved to receive financial aide & go back to school so during the pandemic, I took classes for NeuroDiagnostics and now work in 2 hospitals as an EEG Technologist. Good luck in finding the right field for you.
It has nothing to with who the employs is it whether or not that the employer will except you as yourself and is willing to respect your Epilepsy
You own that bussiness, I'd retire and find something on-line
Walk and walk, pace myself. As i need to around the block or up the stairs. Personalize it. Take Care
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