What should I request for on the IEP for my kids with seizures?
What were your best IEPS accomodations etc.
What about 504s?
My son was diagnosed at 14 his freshman year he was failing everything. The school texted him almost all cognitive areas below level. With some mod and accommodation he had b's with 2 high 70's it's better than before
If your teacher is paying attention they will call you in for an IEP. They would've noticed a change in your child. Blank stares, significant grade decline, or actually seeing a seizure. From there the Principal, teacher and you (parents) all meet to determine what the best plan of action is. Once that is determined its documented and put in the Childs cum. From there each year it's updated and reviewed by all your child's teachers and adjusted as needed. I hope this helps.
An IEP is to put on written paper the amount of help or accommodations or modifications that your child will need. An IEP is an individual education plan. Anyway based off the information that the school district has regarding your daughter's IQ working memory her ability in math reading comprehension all those kind of things. They will give her help find making modifications to the areas where she needs additional time or she's like I don't know what grade she is but say she's a 5th Grader and she only can do first grade math so they would make accommodations for that and then they would set goals
I use to have IEP's when I was in school in order to figure out my grade comprehension for Math, English,and Reading, they would have me do an IQ test. And every year in school they would the IQ once a year. During my elementary yrs in school they would also work my speech. That IQ test would also help the school know what grade level they should be teaching me , based on of those three subject above. I would have different levels in all three. Sometime two of the subject would be the same.
After all the testing they would accommodate me with an LD ( Learning disability ) Class. Sometimes they would an assistant teacher helper to assist me , when I have trouble. The best thing to do ,is find out from his IEP manager what accommodations they have for his type of struggles.
Hope some of this helped good luck And prayers to you guys
I'm saying what I learned before Hospital Screw-up that caused my SEIZURE'S and to be labeled as an EPILEPTIC. At first I was angry at the World or YOU could say "GOD"! I couldn't understand what happened or why and it drove me CRAZY, thus leading to an infinite number of SEIZOR'S!...all types. Until I changed my FOCUS on what I could still then to what can I learn and do to continue on with life always achieving more and LOVE proving NEUROLOGIST incorrect! Last week had MRI to prove if MEDICINE is still required. Find this week! :) Now I'm always thanking "GOD" and the help of the "GUARDIAN ANGELS" at my side telling what is NECESSARY to take another another...!
A Strange? But Do You Seem To ? Yourself And The Condition You Have More Than The Medical Field Etc And Your Doc? Wondering
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