Does Anyone Ever Experience The Odd Twitch Now And Then
i get the odd twitch in my arms and legs and i dont know why it just comes out of the blue is it a sign a seizure is coming my medication has recently put to the highest dosage possible could that be why?
I have twitching and was told it was from meds it happens a lot when I sleep and my sister always thinks I am having seizures in my sleep. I just have come to the point that there is no end to this eplipsy stuff.
Yes that is normal that happens to me to hun. God Bless
That happen to me, when I change medicines and my dosages changed
I am not sure, because I have that all the time. They say I am having Myoclonic seizures. I am sure there are other reasons behind that happening to someone else.
...meaning of MYCOLONIC?
Paranoia After Seizure
Does Your Eye Lid Twich Before Seziures?