Can You Have A Vns And A Rns At The Sametime? I Already Have The Vns And Looking Into The Neuropace Device (rns) Now.
I have a VNS and was put in the monitoring unit in January because my neurologist wanted to see if I was a candidate for the RNS. Which I am but I'm trying cannabis oil first, suggested by my docter. Now, I'm thinking about getting the RNS and my doctor didn't mention anything about taking the VNS out.
well neuropace is placed in your brain while the vns is in your chest and the vns can be turned off so you, should be fine
Ok now I remember but can'thave the thing in my head bc of my epilepsyeverywhere activity
if it's better why use both? no need then.. good luck!!
My Doc is the person who wants me to get the neuropace device (rns) it goes in the brain. Kind of works like the vns does now, but better is what he says.
VNS And RNS? I Have A VNS And My Neurologist Asked Me To Look Into Ive Come Here. Ive Never Heard Of Anyone Having Both...?
VNS Vs. RNS. What's The Difference?