Does Anyone Else Find If They Do Any Exercise Which Raises The Heart Rate To Quick They Start To Have Auras And Double Vision.
I cant go to a gym and work out. I cant ride a bike & running is a big no no. I can guarantee a seizure if I have to do anything active. Therefore anything I love to do pre-seizures is out. Do other epileptics have this problem. If I dont do these activities my seizure stay controlled.
if I over heat I can end up having seizures super easy. light cardio is about alli can do
why not try some calm exercise - I do Pilates = love it
it's not cadio
VNS is a vagal nerve stimulator! That is an implant like a pacemaker, attached to your vagal nerve which is given to people with stubborn to treat epilepsy. It stops or shortens your seizures! Look into it! I have had it now for 16 years - on my 3rd one! Very beneficial for me! Stops or shortens a lot of my seizures!
I can't even take hot showers...
I never really thought about the possibility it could be more tempreture related thanks Stephaniejoy
University Of NM
Has Anyone Noticed A Change In The Frequency That Your Seizures Occur When Taking B12 Or D?
Seizure “auras”