Handling Side Effects
How do you guys handle your side effects for your medication if it makes you drowsy/ just not yourself. Lately I feel like I'm just not on top of things. I take vitamins my neurologist told me to take and tthey work pretty good. Is there any otc medications or certain vitamins or anything at all that help you guys with your side effects?
I take vitamins..multi, B complex that disolve, iron and fiber ( full bowels can make you feel lazy). I also started a set naptime everyday around 12pm for 30-1hr to re-energize ( my smart watch gives me a lite vibration to wake up instead of the loud sound that scares the crap out of you. Some mornings i drink coffee even though it taste gross. Hope you find somethg here that helps. I think we all hv our days and somedays are just better. Good luck
B-complex works out pretty good. It's a vitamin.
I try to deal with the side effects by balancing things out by making sure I have proper amount of food intake, get exercise, and getting to know your own body. It is best to seek doctors advice, but your body might need something you may be lacking such as Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Protein, etc. I usually ask my primary doctor and neurologist if certain side effects are normal. I try to deal with them as they come along. Everyone's body is different about managing or dealing with side effects.
I’ve been on medication for about 52 years and the worst I can remember is Keppra, it gave me shakes for my hands. I invested in a larger coffee mug so I would not spill it every time I walked to my recliner. I was taken off it when the vpn was put in me. To the best of my knowledge, I have shown no problems with any other medication.
I would stretch in the morning have my coffee and take a morning walk, start moving around and I wouldnt be so tired all day, I take magnesium and vitamin D.
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Kidney Stones
People Who Have Seziours Later In Life As I Do Find Out They Have Depression And Are Bipolar Also Or This Mixed With The Medication They Giv