Does Anyone Else Have Vision Problems After A Seizure, Like Blindness, Blurred Vision, Eye Irritation?
I don't take pills.
taking to much Med: at one time will make u blurry vision.
Mine last days. Lol. Such a pain. Only sleep fixes it. Sometimes I sleep for days straight. Lol.
Yes . Many times , I would experience blurs, double visions, and even blackouts for about a second.
Yes. I have those symptoms a lot, even when I don't go in to a 'full seizure.' I find that type of thing more interfere in my life than the seizure itself. I have lived with them since 4.5 years old and am now 47. It is not the seizure (for me) that is such a trial, but all the invisible other stuff - like blurred vision, numbness, coordination issues at times, and other unseen things that interfere most with my life.
Medication And Eyesight
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