I Have Been Experiencing Blurred Vision In One Eye..What Does That Mean?
Blurred vision in one eye can be a symptom of a focal seizure originating in the occipital lobe, which processes vision. Focal seizures in this area of the brain can cause visual disturbances like blinking, hallucinations, or complete loss of vision. The exact origin of a seizure is best confirmed through an EEG test. There Show Full Answer
There are 2 possibilities for Blur visions .
1. The most come possibility is you’re experiencing a side Effectfrom the medication.
Check www.drugs.com . They should have information on the side effect of the medication(s) you’re on .
The second possibility is that it maybe a form of a seizure. But it would have to be proved by an EEG , before knowing that it’s a seizure.
Only thing I can I can think of close to that is anxiety attack or panic attack if you will because they cause multiple symptoms even I've had one that did multiple stuff and that was one of them so you might have been in the start of it I'm not sure. Probably be best to talk to an eye doctor to be certain though.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
You can also have an MRI of your vision.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member,thanks for the advice but I have already seen the opthalmologist.Infact am on spects.They happen at different eyes at different times .
What Are Your Thoughts On Your Vision, I Don't Think I Have My 20/20 Vision I Used To, A Stage Lower, I Think It's Age And My Condition Etc,
Double Vision
Vimat User Blurred Vision