Certain Sounds/noises
I'm not sure, but I think certain sounds or noises can trigger my seizures. Does anyone else know if this can be?
Yes, certain sounds always loud, and loud music sets off my seizures, I love music, but must always have it turned low, I also love the sunshine , but if I set in the full sunshine that can bring me to a seizure. I have grand-- mal
Yes. For certain. I have not had flashing lights/strobe light reactions in the testing. But sounds, and potential other visuals with sounds, I get myoclonic reactions, twitching.
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member. I'm not sure but you maybe having an Aura.
I have a close friend who hears heavy metal guitars ๐ธ for his aura , before he goes into a seizure.
when I was an adolescent I had an issue when I would hear the sound of a bass from a rock band, would send me into a seizure. It was the most oddest thing but as time passed that sound no longer bothers me like it did.
Yes, definitely. Strobe lights/ flashing lights, being frightened/scared unintentionally.
Does Loud Noices Or Music Make Any Of You Have Sezuires And High Aniexty?
How Do I Explain My Sensitivity To Sound To My Coworkers?
Does Anyone Think Constant Loud Sound Can Trigger Seizures?