Has Anybody Ever Had A Tonic Clonic Seizure, But Been Aware And Can Feel Themselves Seizing And Everything That Is Happening To Your Body?
Its not a tonic clonic if your are concious.
When I had a seizure being being diagnosed and started meds I recall seizing up and room spinning before blacking out and losing consciousness. Since on meds I get no auras and like the above comment, you become unconscious immediately
I felt myself seizing one-time And I know i was on the bed but it felt like I was in the living room concrete floor
Before they put me on medication I had a lot of full blown seizures that people always expected me to not be conscious during but on some level I was and I was scared and I was aware of who was around me, but it was my parents so I may have just expected that, but also at some point I did lose consciousness because I woke up from the seizure and had to wait till my body was able to work again before getting up. .
These could be clonic seizure or some type of severe myoclonic features if you are concious it is a type of partial seizure. A tonic clonic is a generalized which always accurs with loss of conciousness... try to get a video for your neuro
What Exactly Is Awareness During A Seizure?
Awareness During Seizure
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