Is It Possible To Have A Seizure And Be Totally Awake?
On Tuesday night I had something that I'm unsure would be classified as one,I woke up with what felt like a bubble in my throat,that cleared then my arms started shaking and wouldn't stop,I could actually feel them shaking and I was fully alert. It resulted in a trip to hospital just to have a check up,came home,fell asleep on the couch and at some point had a actual seizure. It was freaky with the awake shaking since it had never happened before and it's got me stumped. Even the doctors were… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member complex partial is called now focal onset impaired awareness and simple partials are now focal onset or focal onset aware. for me focal onset is too confusing so i call um partials.
there is a lot of types of seizures and there is of stuff in your body. i have complex partials (focal onset impaired awareness) and grand mals (tonic clonic) seizures. partials just mean haft of the brain are affected. you can talk (sort of) a walk. another thing i have is called auras. that is a seizures that gets you ready for a bad seizure. there are different ways to have an aura. i have a pins and needles or a tingling from my legs to my brain. then slowed speech and cant speak. for the partials i have the 'lip thing' and the 'ma thing'. i curl my lip and stay there until the seizure is over. and the other is every couple of words are mom or ma. i sometimes tighten my arms but that could be when i am having my auras or the lip thing or the ma thing.
Most definitely I have them all the time,I have them while driving,while at work,watching tv,just doing nothing,literally standing or sitting and talking with someone and have them I have different kinds so I can’t say at that moment or time what kind I have there is times I can’t remember that I’ve been through one place to another,or there’s times I don’t even remember doing a certain thing, it’s absolutely possible and it’s absolutely the scariest thing ever!!!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member if everyone is aware when they have a seizure, what about us that have nocturnal seizures...I am unaware when I have seizures. Do your research.
Yes, don’t you do research. It’s common sense. Some people shouldn’t be on here for their ignorance and it’s obvious who these people are.
Awareness During Seizure
If Had Seizure Or Seizures And You End Up Falling Asleep Should Someone Tell Them To Get Up And Wake Them Up Or Let The Person Sleep It Off
Does Anyone Else...