Side Effects From Tegretol/Carbamazepine? How Long Before They Get Better?
I started the tegretol about a week ago and the side effects have kicked in. I have really loud ringing in my ears, very dizzy and nauseous, stomach pains, fatigue and just an over all sick feeling. Also, feeling depressed.
Can anyone tell me if these side effects last long? Do they get better?
I have a husband who is upset and saying that I need to “suck up” the side effects because it’s effecting his quality of life too. I feel a little hopeless.
I'm on carbamazapine. I get the same symptoms and still have after a few months. The sickness only eased when I reduced the dose slightly. But...I still the have the epilepsy episodes so I'm not sure whether its worth it. If it eventually works I'll put up with the symptoms. Its a balance I think
Unabrow42 was exactly right! A Neurologist that I was going to, years ago, changed my meds while my husband was away. I remember taking the new stuff, but only remember bits and pieces, after that. Luckily it was during the summer and my girls were home from school, but neither of them were old enough to drive. My oldest had to run to the neighbors house and get help getting me to the pharmacy. I just didn't want to be put in the hospital, since my girls needed me, and I knew that the pharmacist ALWAYS knows more about the medications, and might be able to tell me what was happening. I found out that I was allergic to that particular med, but was able to have my doctor change the prescription and all, through the pharmacy, without the trip to the hospital. I had to go see my doctor, the next day, but I was able to stay home and out of the hospital. Always go to your pharmacist if you are having strange reactions, or just have questions. They are the drug specialists, the doctors specialize in finding, and treating, the illness. Pharmacists will recognize bad reactions to meds, quicker.
A) Kick him in the nuts and say "suck it up buttercup" your husband is selfish little boy. I apologize for the outburst anyone with an ounce of compassion would see that you are not reacting well to your meds and take you to your doctor.b
B) Research your meds yourself because....Your Doctor Doesn't Know Everything. I have had doctors try to poison me, give me things I'm allergic to many times, give conflicting meds I cannot count how many times. Doctors study the body, Pharmacists study the Medications
C)Get to know your Phamacist This way they can suggest other medication combos, aand will KNOW when your doc is about to give you something that wont agree with you. All it costs is a batch of cookies on the correct holiday. wink
The meds always make to you feel zapped but have never experienced other symptoms. I used to say I wish I could have my health but money can't buy that. It will get better mine has.
I've only been on it for a month or so but they keep putting mine up so all the side effects I'm having sucks especially feeling sick everyday and can't keep anything down 😢
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