Does Anyone Have Memory Lose
I have gaps in memory. I have things that I can't remember. Things like important events in my children's lives. I can remember things from my childhood and teen years, but after I got married and had children things went downhill. That may have more to do with my AVM. It takes blood away from parts of your brain. I'm sure the radiation hasn't helped either.
Short term memory loss is a huge problem for me. Of course I don't know what I can't remember unless someone points it out to me. Seems to happen way too often lately. It was suggested by my Dr to try "brain games." For example, crossword puzzles, trivia, words with friends app, etc... Some of my family members have told me that they did notice a change for the better.
Darryl, Like yourself my long-term memory seems fine; but my short-term memory can really take a heavy toll.
Sharon, The worse the seizure is-the worse my memory loss will be. Early one morning I didn't even recognize my husband during a seizure and he was scared. If I have several seizures together it really wipes out my short-term memory. As a safety measure I have directions written down to get into my computer and a list of my passwords.
In my home I was accustomed to most things being stored on the main floor. My husband has a split-level house so many things are stored in the basement in different rooms; often when I head to the basement I forget where the item/s that I want is. Sometimes I have to come upstairs and ask my husband where an item / s is.
Has Anyone Lost A Lot Of Memories, From These Thing's? Don't Remember A Lot Of Thing's!?
Has Anyone Experienced Psychedelic Experience Or Permanent Memory Loss From Cbd Product?