Suffocation And Nocturnal Tonic Clonics
I’m wondering if it’s possible to suffocate during a seizure. Last night I had one and my daughter walked in and found me face down, struggling to breathe into my pillow. I never sleep on my stomach so it shocked me when she told me that. I’ve never had a seizure on my stomach either. If she hadn’t turned me over onto my back, do you think it could have happened? Just curious.
I can only say what i have seen myself because im not an expert or anything but when my husband was having a video eeg once we saw that during a seizure his body contorted in such a way that he flipped completely over from his back to his stomach and had the nursing staff not removed his pillows i think he could have suffocated or aspirated but thats just my opinion.
My sisters best friend in junior high lost her brother after he had a seizure in his sleep. It was his first and only seizure, I believe.
sounds like you made a good choice to go without a pillow. One of my dearest friends was really scared to find out when I was diagnosed because when he was a kid his babysitter had a seizure and suffocated in her pillow. It still breaks his heart to have lost someone he really loved when he was a kid that way. I guess it's pretty unusual, but can happen.
I have an specific pillow for epilepsy which is an anti suffocation pillow, I got mine from amazon as they don’t have funding for such things where I live but many places do have funding for them especially considering your last seizure, make sure you speak to your neurologist! Hope you’re feeling ok today
Correction: that or you maybe should not seep with a pillow at all. Sorry i know pillows are big factors in epilepsy and suffocation, as well as sleeping on your stomach
Clonic Seizures?
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