Anyone Changed From Keppra To Brivaracetam?
Hi, I’ve just switched from Keppra to Brivaracetam. I couldn’t cope with the emotional side effects, all self directed keppra rage, self harm which is been clear from for nearly 20 years, suicidal ideation, it really wasn’t much fun. I’m only three days in to Brivaracetam but I already feel calmer. A bit dizzy and tired but I’m really hoping that’s going to pass once my body gets used to it.
Really just wanted to start a bit of a chat with other people who’ve switched. It’s such a new drug… read more
All these comments and questions were so useful. I just saw my neurologist today, she was going to increase my keppra again but she asked how my mood was & my mom started crying saying that I have changed & sometimes I’m a very nasty person. My doctor said keppra is no longer the med for me so I’m going to be switching to Brivaracetam. I had only been on keppra for 3 months so my seizures haven’t been controlled yet so hopefully this change is nice for everyone. It was also a nice appt because I had a seizure there so my doc could see the during & after.I’ll also be having monthly appts for awhile to help get things under control.
Keppra was a blessing with a who lotta curse wrapped up in the deal! Sorry for anyone that’s had to experience or deal with the side effects! And spread the word that there may be an alternative... the more people who can benefit from the changes that made Brivaracetam, the more evidence we can put forward to the money people and hope less of us have to go through what we have. All epilepsy meds are a twisted casino game, maybe this one will end up being less distructive than Russian Roulette? 🤞
Keppra was the only med that stopped my seizures, and I was worried the Brivaracetam was too good to be true, but as it’s basucally the same molecular structure with a few adjustments, no titration needed, and I actually feel like myself for the first time in over 2.5 years. It’s only been a week so I’m desperately not trying to get my hopes up too much. No emotional side effects at all as yet, just a couple of dizzy days, and a bit sleepy, but compared to everything else I’ve trued I’ll take that any day!!! If anyone’s at UCHL they’re carrying out a trial and are looking for people. Good luck everyone!
Ask about Brivaracetam, so far, no self-hate, self harm, treeing plates at my partner.... and still no seizures. Keppra was the only thing that stopped them, but for 18 months I was really starting to unreparably damage my relationships. There’s only so much loved ones can take, even when they know the reason and it’s not really you. It’s a life saver and ender. But the brivat really seems to negate the negatives, for me anyway, and my partner’s anxiety has dropped massively, which I think means the most to me! Good luck, and sorry you’ve been through it too, it really was some of the most horrible months of my life. xxx
Eighteen days in, no self hate, no meltdowns, feeling as human as I have for years and still and not minding the being in bed for 9pm, makes a lovely change from the insomnia! And I wake up feeling completely ungroggy. Even been doing bits and bobs of flexible work, carpentry, again which would never happen with the keppra, I’d have just told myself I was a useless fraud who didn’t know what they were doing, which was stupid, as I’m a trained and experienced cabinet maker and bench joiner of 10 years! Drugs that change your brain chemistry really are a head f#%k!!!
Change In Medication
What Are Some Side Affects From Keppra?
So Over All...if You Take Keppra, Would You Say That Eventually My Dose Will Be Increased?