Anyone Have Seizures Triggered By Standing Up Or Movin Too Fast?
I can have a seizure while doing just about anything, but standing up fast, exercising and even walking too fast, are all major triggers for me.
I don' t always get shaky. It does feel like i ran a marathon. I always tell people i have just done a triathalon LOL . Yesterday I had that weak shaky feeling and was a Clutz all day
I do not get the Ear thumping, the sense of doom and The Aura sound very similar
Same here , I wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks to rule out pressure drops, it came back perfect. I was told I have complex partial siezures in left temporal lobe, we sound like our experiences match well. My auras are usually tunnel vision like an old tv turning off, and I feel like I'm floating away from my body. Ears thumping and ringing and overwhelming sense of doom. You?
I have Complex Focal Seizures, and yes I do. I have had a few. My Neurologist wanted to make sure it wasn't low blood pressure so is my wife will check it and it actually is always higher than normal. My blood pressure is a great indicator if i am having Auras or Simple complex Seizures
Does your body shake and feel like it's tingly all over too? That has got to be one of the worst feelings and I always feel like I've just ran a marathon afterwards. Just complete drainage of energy
Anyone Have Seizures Triggered By Standing Up Or Moving Too Fast?
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