How Many Of Us Have No Memory Of Our Seizures?
I have read many a post here at My Epilepsy Team and this theme pops up all the time. I have no memory of seizures with an occasional odd exception. I sometimes remember absence seizures. There must be something along the path of a seizure that creates this phenomena.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member. Have spoken to neurologist but was not given a definite answer still waiting from a local hospital where a genealogist is doing research into different heritage types of epilepsy. He wants the family to do DNA testing but it is a matter of funding.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Yes I have from childhood I was diagnosed at the age of two When I was in elementary school I use to have them in classroom I suggest that you do some research and Now I do no that although it's rare Epilepsy is genetically in the family and if you have any questions Talk to your Dr.
I have focal seizures AKA complex partial seizures and I lose awareness with my seizures. The lose of awareness can last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. The majority of the time I have an aura which helps me slightly remember that I might of had a seizure. The biggest thing that helps me know if I had a seizure is if other people are around because everyone I’m around on a regular basis know & they know the drill & they make sure to tell me everything during & after my seizure. Focal seizures usually occur in your temporal lobe which is in charge of your memory so that’s why your memory can be so greatly affected. I keep track of every seizure I have to see if there are any patterns & one day I would really like to drive again so I need to know when my last one was.
I am not sure whether a lot of DNA testing is done in Australia. My youngest daughter who has not shown any signs of epilepsy so far has twin sons who have a rare genetic condition called TARPS had to their DNA sent to America for testing. My nieces had to also had to have their tests in America. The syndrome is pasted from the mother to the sons. My nieces turned out not to be carriers.
Myself, daughter & son all suffer from nocturnal grand mal seizures with a focal point in the left temporal lobe. My brother has grand mal seizures during the day. My daughter has had the occasional day time seizure and I also have peti mals during the day. Even with our family history we have never been offered genetic tests even though we have asked.
Who Is Eligible For VNS?
What Type Of Seizures Does The Vns Implant Helpful For?