After A Small, Mild Or Even Big Seizure Does Anyone Else Feel Depressed?
After reading comments on a thread I was seeing that a lot of people experience some depression after seizures. Depression is something I've delt with most of my life. Things will be going good, seizures won't be bad, relationships are doing great, but then I have a mild seizure that puts me down for days or even a few weeks straight. I call the after effects of a seizure a 'hang over' seizure feeling. My body is sore, my head hurts so much, it can be hard to do normal daily tasks, but something… read more
Yes.......I would feel like a failure not making a month without having a episode. I had surgery 14 months ago and have made it 5 months with no seizures, but still have auras
Yep. It’s tough, but it is comforting to read other people’s experiences and know you’re not the only one.
Seizures have become so normal for me that I don't always get depressed.I have suffered from depression and anxiety all my life.I may rest a little bit after a seizure, but most of the time I try to remain positive and I keep it pushing.
I just feel a little annoyed and fed up with my condition
I didn't get depressed at least I don't recall being depressed however I get massive migraines
What Do You Do To Help Aid Your Seizure Recovery?
Emotional After Seizure?
I've Been Told By My Friend And Past Care Assistant I'm To Emotional. Do Other Guys Get This? Or Anyone Else For That Matter?